Consulting Services
Caruso Leadership has been the catalyst for transformative and lasting change in millions of individuals, thousands of leaders, and hundreds of organizations worldwide through our CEO consulting services, books, and keynote speeches. Caruso Leadership starts with the thinking that drives the behavior.

Some examples include:
Startup companies who need better, or more polished, performance.
Well-established firms or organizations who feel “stuck.”
Fast-growing companies or turnarounds seeking maximum profit as a result of their strategic CEO consulting investment.
Small business owners considering or currently involved in a merger or acquisition strategy.
Family businesses experiencing reoccurring relational challenges.
Many of our our CEO consulting and leadership training clients approach us during transitional or challenging phases of their companies’ growth and development. Others come to us during successful times to ensure they optimize growth appropriately. It’s not about the size of your company, the pace of its growth, or the problems it faces. It’s about reaching your goals faster and more effectively by putting the vision first and foremost. When organizations need change, Caruso Leadership can accelerate the outcome through premier CEO consulting and organizational development.
Regardless of the challenges or successes your company or organization faces, one phone call to discuss how you and your company are equipped to face your next set of challenges or how market factors are affecting your business is a no-risk, high-reward way to take the first step.
Here is a sample of the types of services we provide as part of our leadership training and business consulting services:
Advised a CEO on the preparation and negotiation around the sale of a company, securing significant additional revenue as a result of our objective involvement
Helped grow a small business from a two-store local presence to a leader in the industry nationally
Assisted with the climate and communications regarding transitions (entrances and exits) of new leadership within a medium-sized education company
Discussed growth strategy for a young, successful company—pacing, phases, entering new markets
Interviewed potential job candidates for senior-level position in a company, and provided consulting for CEO or hiring manager on the fit of each candidate
Mediated and facilitated an internal meeting focused on marketing message and self-definition; captured the essence of that discussion and provided a usable ‘mantra’ for each employee to embrace and move forward with during a turnaround phase of the company’s life cycle
Ran an executive retreat for a successful, family-run national business that revisits its goals and next steps annually. Before working with Caruso Leadership, this business was a local shop trying to figure out when, and how, to grow
Established an atmosphere for successful joint operations between a US Navy and Air Force base in Hawaii that recently merged
We get businesses from one phase of their business life-cycle to another in the fastest possible manner. Whatever your situation, the next step is to call (734) 692-0544 to set up a phone consultation to discuss how to optimize outcomes for your business or organization. Why wait? You can start today.
If you’re a CEO of a business that makes $25 million or more annually and want to develop a plan for optimizing your organization, contact us to see if you qualify for a free advisory call with Joe Caruso.
A leader can pull together experts and leaders and call it a team, but that doesn’t mean it is one. In fact, these experts will always be smarter apart than together until they learn to truly function seamlessly together. Great leaders know how to listen well, learn quickly, ask the right questions, make good decisions consistently and earn the respect of others. These aren’t personality traits that one is born with. They are teachable and learnable skills. We know. Caruso Leadership has been training and helping create great leaders for over twenty years.
Great leaders are determined not by their level of authority or years of experience, but by the willingness of others to follow.
A group of “smart people” forming a team doesn’t necessarily create a smart team. That’s where we come in. We get the personality out of the way of profit and help smart people create even smarter leadership teams. Teams that work with Caruso Leadership learn how to put the vision first, the strategy and pace second, and then bring their subject matter expertise guided by the vision, strategy and pace.
Caruso Leadership does more than just CEO consulting and advising. We develop leaders within your organization without taking employees away from their work; we infuse the skills and training into the current issues your organization is facing. Leadership development, organizational development, retreats and ongoing training occur while addressing your company’s current challenges, anticipating future ones, all with a goal of optimizing your business and maximizing your profit.
Our customized leadership team instruments and surveys determine opportunities to create greater synergy, optimize growth, increase efficiencies, and improv leadership effectiveness. Contact us for more information.

How often have you or your leadership team tried to implement important organizational changes, but were met with resistance, stubbornness, and potentially, obstinacy? That’s because a business cannot fundamentally change until the people who run the business change the way they think. Any money you spend promoting change within your organization is wasted unless the solution acknowledges, understands and addresses the current barriers to potential breakthroughs.
Caruso Leadership works with you to examine your business in the context of creating the highest possible connection and relevance to the market, identify weak connections, and determine the most effective way to make changes in your organization in the fastest possible manner.
The unique value of Caruso Leadership’s leadership and organizational development solutions is getting people to change how they view their roles and responsibilities. Because the business cannot change until the thinking changes.
Caruso Leadership clients swear by our work—there is no one better when change needs to happen. Caruso Leadership has worked with hundreds of leaders, from CEOs, founders, and admirals, to senior managers, offering CEO consulting and advisory services, leadership development, organizational development and departmental training (i.e. sales and service).
The keynote sets the tone for your event or meeting. What elements make a great Keynote Speech?
The audience can find themselves in the message. It should be tailored to your audience, for the current times they are in, and in the context of the themes and goals for your event.
It should incorporate the power of story, or narrative. Story is the most effective way to make a keynote speech enjoyable and memorable, allowing your attendees to draw upon what they learned well beyond the conference.
Not only should the keynote touch them in the moment and resonate with them long after the event, it should become the context by which they experience the rest of your event. And that can influence next year’s attendance.

Selecting the right keynote or motivational speaker is a critical part of your event planning process and of course, it is why you conduct your research with such thoughtful consideration. Joe Caruso has touched hundreds of thousands of people through his keynote speeches. Joe has the ability to connect with his audiences, based on his extensive research and practical, applied experience with the Simple, Common, Timeless human truths. We regularly receive Thank You messages from individuals who changed their lives as a result of embracing and adopting what they heard in a Joe Caruso keynote, whether it’s been a few years or ten years since they heard the speech!
Whether talking to hundreds or thousands of people, a Joe Caruso keynote is truly a life-changing experience. But don't just take our word for it—see what Joe's past audiences have to say.
Bottom line...
Our engagements with clients are designed to change thinking, behavior, and outcomes in ways that change lives. We invite you to join the Daily Cup of Joes and our community. Help stimulate thinking among other members, develop deeper understanding of big ideas, and enjoy the perks, like special events and retreats, that an exclusive group offers.